The Father's Faithfulness
I am convinced th
at God the Father is constantly at work in our lives. He is always thinking of us and He has been thinking of us since before we were ever born. Psalm 139:17-18 says, "How precious are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I could count them, they would outnumber the sand...." The peoples of this earth are ALL precious to Him. He cares deeply for us.
With this in mind, why then do I fret about life. Jesus said, "Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns,
and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?"- Matthew 6:26 So, why do I fret? Why do you fret? God the Father will take care of us! He will supply ALL of our needs! And not just the essential ones, but even the ones that seem insignificant to you.
Catherine and I, every month have to depend on our Heavenly Father to provide for us. We as a family are in a season of God demonstrating to us His faithfulness to provide for all our needs. Some months I don't know how we get by........but we do and it's because our Heavenly Father provides for us. It's this lifestyle of complete dependency on God and His faithfulness that Catherine and I want our children to grow up experiencing and then knowing in their hearts.
We want to pass on revelation of Gods faithfulness and not just
information. Let me explain; I think to many people, when they hear someone speak of God's faithfulness or God providing for all their needs, will nod there heads in agreement along with an "amen" here and there. This is what I would call information. But how many of those same people actually open there hearts up to Him and allow themselves to experience His faithfulness and provision in their lives? To allow Him to provide financially for them instead of depending on a credit card, a bank loan, a loan from a family member or friend, etc.?
It's hard to do because we tend to naturally want to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps. That's the legacy that was passed down to me from my parents, but it's not what I want to pass on to Ezekiel and Lucy. I want for them to grow up knowing, in there hearts, that God is faithful and that He is ALWAYS good!
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